Terse Verse Insights

    Each Terse Verse design represents a wonderful biblical revelation. Our hope is for you to treasure these revelations, internalize them and joyfully share them with others. Descriptions can also be found on each product page.
  • Tsemach
    Tsemach is a Hebrew word meaning branch or sprout. In the Old Testament (Zechariah 3:8 and 6:12; Isaiah 4:2; Jeremiah 23:5 and 33:15), Jesus is referred to as the Branch. Netser, a Hebrew synonym for branch, is a root word for Nazarene or Nazareth. Jesus, the Branch, grew up in a city called Branch! Jesus is the Branch extending from the Father. According to John 15:4-5, the Branch has become the Vine, and those who abide in Him have now become branches as well. The life and growth of a branch is naturally determined by its source. Whatever we are connected to is what we will become. Since Jesus is the Branch extending from the Father, He declares in John 15:4-5 that those who remain in Him are also of His Branch, directly connected to the Source!
  • Barzel
    Barzel is a Hebrew word meaning 'iron' or 'axe'. In 2 Kings 6, the prophet Elisha makes a sunken axe head float in the Jordan River. 550 years later, in Matthew 3:10, John the Baptist tells religious leaders on the banks of the Jordan that "even now the AXE of God's judgement is ready to sever the roots of unfruitful trees". Jesus is the 'Barzel' that went down in the water and came up again!

  • Kyrios Sabbaton
    Kyrios Sabbaton is a Greek phrase meaning 'Lord of the Sabbath’. In Mark 2:27-28, Jesus spoke to religious leaders, explaining the true way to keep the Sabbath. The day of rest was created by God to benefit people, and not people to benefit the Sabbath. In John 5:16-17, Jesus was being harassed about breaking the Sabbath rules. He answered, saying, “My Father never stops working, so why should I?” Hebrews 4:3 speaks about a daily spiritual rest for those who actively join their faith with God’s Word. The ‘Lord of the Sabbath’ is revealing that everyone who continually does Kingdom work will always have Sabbath rest.
  • Good News
    The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is called Good News. Jesus announced in every city that the incredibly Good News of Heaven's Kingdom was finally available. This message is so much more than just a promise of one day going to heaven. Instead, Jesus was proclaiming that heaven is at hand and believers can continually enjoy His love and benefits right now!

  • Sullam
    The Hebrew word Sullam means 'ladder' and occurs only once in the Bible. In Genesis 28:12, Jacob dreams about a ladder for angels to go up and down between heaven and Earth. In John 1:51, Jesus tells Nathanael he will see what Jacob saw. Jesus is the 'Sullam' to heaven!

  • Navi', Kohen, Melech
    'Navi', Kohen, Melech' are Hebrew words meaning Prophet, Priest, and King. Navi' is translated as 'tool through which God's words are spoken'. A 'Kohen' performed the daily and holiday duties of sacrificial offerings in the Temple in Jerusalem. Isaiah 9:7 speaks about a coming 'Melech' that will rule over David's kingdom with never-ending peace, justice and righteousness. Jesus is perfect in all three!

  • Pneuma, Psyche, Soma
    'Pneuma, Psyche, Soma' are the Greek words for 'spirit, soul, body'. In 1 Thessalonians 5:23, there is order to our being. Most people are only living to fulfill the soul in their dying body. Through Jesus' resurrection, our spirit can once again be restored, our soul rescued, and our body blessed.

  • Ruach
    Ruach Ha-Kodesh is Hebrew for 'Holy Spirit'. Also known as The Comforter, The Counselor, and The Teacher, the Holy Spirit is God in us and always works to glorify Jesus. Revelation 5:6 says the Lamb has 7 horns (all-powerful) and 7 eyes (all-knowing) which represent the Sevenfold Holy Spirit. These Seven are listed in Isaiah 11:2.

  • Emmaus
    On the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), two of Jesus' followers unknowingly walked with Him after His resurrection. As they traveled the miles, Jesus took them through the scripture explaining all of the fulfilled prophecies. They only recognized Him after he left them, but they realized their hearts had been burning within them throughout the journey. Emmaus means 'the burning place'. Today, every believer can walk this road with Jesus. As He reveals His truth, our hearts will also burn.

  • Holy, Holy, Holy
    Angels and Living Creatures continually say 'Holy, Holy, Holy' to God around His throne in Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8. This speaks to God being uniquely set apart, perfect in all of His ways. No one is like Him! The Father, Son and Spirit are forever 'Holy, Holy, Holy' and everyone around the throne praises Him in this way.

  • Zera 
    In the Hebrew language, the word ‘Zera’ or ‘seed’ refers to anything that produces new life, so a plant’s seed or a human’s descendants are both ‘Zera’. In Genesis 3:15, God says Eve’s offspring and the serpent’s offspring will be enemies. In John 12:24, Jesus states that HE is the prophesied Seed and must go into the ground and die in order to produce many new lives from Himself. Another amazing connection, found in Genesis 1, is that God created all ‘seed’-bearing plants on the third day. Jesus is the ‘Zera’ of God!

  • Shechem
    Like Jerusalem, 'Shechem' is one of the most ancient, hallowed and important cities in Biblical history. Prominent figures such as Abraham, Jacob, Joshua and even the Samaritan woman at the well met with God here and their lives were changed forever. The two mountains of this city, Gerizim (blessing) and Ebal (cursing), also play significant roles in these Biblical stories. This place spiritually represents each believer’s call to meet God, stop wrestling with Him, and live out their holy destiny.
  • Son of Man
    Jesus referred to Himself as ‘Son Of Man’ more than any other title. Fulfilling the prophecy that Eve’s Seed would crush the serpent’s head, Jesus was born of a woman to live as both a son of humanity and as Son of God. Forever, He is the God-Man whose Kingdom’s authority will rule over Heaven, Earth and everything under the Earth. Through Christ, all believing sons of men also become sons of God and all that we lost to sin and death has been restored! (Psalm 8:5-8)

  • Shathal
    Shathal is a Hebrew word meaning ‘planted’, as mentioned in Psalm 1:3. People who do not keep company with evildoers but instead delight in God’s ways are forever prospering like trees along His ‘river banks’. In Jude 12, ungodly people are described as ‘uprooted’ trees. Even the blind man in Mark 8:24, that Jesus prayed for, saw men ‘spiritually’ walking around like trees before his physical vision was totally restored. Every believer is a thriving tree forever PLANTED in God’s heavenly courtyard! (Psalm 92:13)

  • Zion
    Mt. Zion, the City of God, is beautifully described in Psalm 48. The word Zion can be used synonymously with the City of David, the Temple Mount, Jerusalem’s Western Hill, or the entire land of Israel. However, in the New Testament, it represents an eternal and heavenly Jerusalem, the same city Abraham was seeking to find in Hebrews 11:10. Now, Hebrews 12:18-21 says that God’s people are not approaching God as the children of Israel did at Mt. Sinai. Instead, the passage goes on to say in verses 22-24 that we have come to God’s home, which is forever Mt. Zion! 

  • Yated 
    Yated (Yaw-thade) is a Hebrew word meaning “nail”, “pin” or “stake”. Jesus is the Yated. In Isaiah 22:19-25, God appoints Eliakim as the palace administrator, a replacement for his wicked predecessor. God said that He would drive Eliakim in place like a nail (yated) in the wall. All the people of God’s House would be set upon Eliakim’s nail. Then, in verse 25, God says, “The time will come when I will pull out the nail that seemed so firm. It will come out and fall to the ground. Everything it supports will fall with it.” We see this again nearly 800 years later when Jesus was nailed to the cross. All our sin was put upon Him. After He died, the nails were pulled out. As His body was taken down, the record of our sin was taken down as well (Colossians 2:14). In Zechariah 10:4, the Messiah is revealed as the “Yated”. Jesus played two parts on the cross. He became our sin, and He was also the Yated that held our sin there.